This is the first update since Grade II Listed Jessop’s Edwardian building was demolished last summer by Sheffield University. We have the whole ugly process catalogued and in due course many photos and an extended version of an article which has already appeared in Hallamshire Historic Building’s The Cruck will appear.
If you want to see what the site looks like now, look here:
Edwardian Jessop’s occupied a slither on the far end of this.
This website won’t be going away, and will remain as an historical record and testament to the antics of the ‘bullyboys and philistines’ who let Sheffield, and listed buildings in general, down.
I’m following up on some of the pledgers who supported SAVE’s brave legal stand, which The Victorian Society joined in with too. I did a bad job of this first time round, but am getting on top of it now. This note is for the benefit of those I have just emailed – the ‘Paypal’ link at the top of this article can be used to make your donation, thanks. [Edit: this has been removed]